I never imagined I’d own a “fluro boucle jacket,” but here I am, and I absolutely love it. It’s a bright and cheerful addition during these unpredictable weather days when it might rain, snow, hail, or suddenly burst into sunshine. I have Ree from ReallyRee to thank for discovering this gem. She made a striking entrance at London City Airport early one dull weekday morning, wearing her fluro boucle jacket that radiated happiness. It was like she was a cure for a hangover in human form. Within five minutes, I ordered one for myself using my iPhone. Costing £35, it’s been a great way to brighten up my usual jeans and t-shirt look. I haven’t got any full-length pictures of myself in it yet, but there’s a 360-degree view on the ASOS site. I took some pictures from a video that’s going live later this week, so excuse the serious expression.